Benefits of Multi-Use Backyard Rooms

Additional backyard rooms are becoming more and more common. The speed, cost, and use of space are all catalysts for this change in lifestyle.

Let’s dive into why these multi-use backyard rooms are a great addition to your home!

More Space For Fun

Whether you have a big or small yard, extra space is always a good thing. Imagine having an all in 1 spot for you and your friends to do yoga, your hubby to work from, and the kids to have a sleepover. This is what a studio can provide! They’re close enough to the house to be convenient, but far enough away to feel like a separate place. Having a space like this can help you relax, and get back to doing the things you love.

Great Financial Decision

A backyard studio probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when you think “investing”, however making these backyard rooms can actually both save and make you money in the long run. Building them is often quite a bit cheaper than adding a whole new room to your house. If you ever decide to sell your house, having these extra spaces makes your home much more attractive to potential buyers.

Rooms that Transform

ACT Studios can help you design your room with the future in mind. What might be just a pool room for now, might become an office later, and a gym after that. We can help design the Studio to keep this all in mind, so you will always have peace of mind.

To sum it up, a backyard room is like the superhero of extra space. They save you money, make your home more livable, and give you places to enjoy your hobbies. Feel free to get in touch with us to design your studio today!


Week Days 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Weekends By Appointment

  6242 5927